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FFS Resources

Facial Feminization Surgery: A Guide for the Transgendered WomanFacial Feminization Surgery: A Journey to Gender Affirmation

A practical guide to facial feminization surgery, Facial Feminization Surgery: A Journey to Gender Affirmation focuses on a pioneering form of cosmetic surgery that reshapes the male facial structure. Read more »

Virtual FFS: Submit photos to receive an assessment of your face, recommendations for which FFS procedures are likely to make your face more feminine, and an artist's rendering of how your surgery results are likely to look.

Insurance Coverage for Facial Feminization Surgery

The Case For Facial Feminization Surgery
To make something like FFS truly accessible — and to give trans people true agency over it — requires completely reimagining the capitalist medical system.
Alex V Green, BuzzFeed News Posted on July 28, 2020.

Using Insurance for Facial Gender Confirming Surgery or "FFS"
[The process of getting insurance to cover your FFS] will be long and draining, but it is worth it. Everyone who is able to fight through it cracks the door open a little wider for the next person. The structure of this system sucks, but it's the one in which you find yourself and it is your responsibility to make it work for you.

Patient Stories

Patient Testimonial Videos - From FacialTeam.

A Guide To Facial Feminisation Surgery and Why You Don't Always Need It - January 3, 2020
The procedure can be an important part of transitioning for many trans women but when it costs up to £30,000 raising the money often takes years – we explore how you can raise the money and alternatives if you can't afford it. Features 2Pass Clinic.

The Complicated Process of Undergoing Facial-Feminization Surgery, and Why I Did It - March 25, 2019
It was just over a year ago that I underwent facial feminization surgery, a radical procedure that some trans women undergo to eradicate the effects of testosterone on the skull that one experiences while undergoing a male puberty. The entire ordeal was transformative, but not in the earth-shattering manner that one might expect. It was a more gradual change that took many months to fully reveal itself.

Facial Surgery Could Transform Tami — And Transgender Medicine - November 29, 2017
For decades, a full gender transition has been defined by genital reassignment surgery. That's beginning to shift as doctors ask patients what they want. "The trans women would say over and over again, 'Yes, maybe one day I'd like to have genital surgery, but what will change my life today is the way I look on the street,' " Eric Plemons says. Features Dr. Jeffrey Spiegel.

What Facial Feminization Surgery Is Really Like - Aug. 13, 2015
There are only a small number of surgeons who specialize in FFS, which is a set of surgeries generally comprised of a brow lift, rhinoplasty, cheek implantation, lip augmentation, and tracheal shaving. One of them is Dr. Jeffrey Spiegel, a plastic surgeon in Boston who actually stumbled upon the market for facial feminization mostly by accident.

I Had Facial Feminization Surgery - May 14, 2013
As a child and young adult, I'd stare at my face in the mirror every chance I had and have no idea what I was looking for. A few months after college graduation, I had one of your textbook near-death experiences and decided to grow up. Learning about FFS was one of a few things that helped get me started. I had never really dared to ask myself if I would want something like this, it had seemed out of reach in some obvious, fundamental way. Allowing myself to think otherwise was like flipping a switch. It was what I needed to do. So I did it.


Last updated: 05/26/21